Sunday, September 1, 2013

Theory of Elite Performance

Hi Everyone,

There is a really interesting article that I read recently on elite performance written by Dr. Christine Carter, a sociologist from UC Berkeley. I highly recommend that all of you read it. The link for the article is Psychology Today - A New Theory of Elite Performance

Some of the key points that Christine makes are the following:

- hard work and passion matters much more than does innate ability when it comes to high-level achievements

- elite performers practice a lot to reach their key objectives, even if what they are not practicing it is not fun or pleasurable

- elite performers practice around the same amount every day, 7 days per week

- it usually takes about 10 years of consistent practice to be truly accomplished

- people who get to the top know when to rest

Although I am not convinced this is necessarily "a new theory of elite performance" as the author suggests, it does nonetheless stress the importance of dedication, perseverance, patience, and discipline to reach the top levels of performance, all of which are extremely important in the martial arts.