Thursday, December 18, 2014

Grandmaster Larry Tatum Event

Hello Everyone,

From March 27-28th, 2015, 10th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt, Grandmaster Larry Tatum will be teaching seminars in Blenheim, Ontario. The event will include two days of intense martial arts training and is open to all martial artists. Other camp instructors at the event will include Thomas Armstrong, Chad Berry, Kelly Perkins, Jamie Seabrook, Scott Southwell, and Steve Turkington. The training provided at the event will be very diverse, as can be seen in the schedule below:

March 27th

5 pm Thomas Armstrong: Introduction to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
6 pm Chad Berry: Knife to Knife Combatives
7 pm Larry Tatum

March 28th

9 am Steve Turkington: Kids Seminar
10 am Larry Tatum: Kids - Photos and autographs
11 am Jamie Seabrook: How to Use Strategy in Stand-up Sparring (Teens, Brown Belts, Junior Black Belts)
12 pm Larry Tatum: Teens, Brown Belts, Junior Black Belts
1 pm Scott Southwell
2 pm Kelly Perkins
3 pm Larry Tatum



Sunday, December 7, 2014

Black Belt Promotions at Seabrook Martial Arts Academy

On November 24th, I promoted Justin Franklin to Junior Black Belt and Brennan Weatherhead to 1st Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo Karate. Justin is 15 years old and has been training with me for about 6 years. Brennan began training with me just over 4 years ago as a 1st Degree Black Belt from another Kenpo Karate school in London, Ontario. Brennan is now ranked as a 1st Degree American Kenpo Black Belt, and is the 25th student I have promoted to Black Belt in 20 years of running my school in London, Ontario. Congratulations to both of you.

November Belt Promotions

The end of the year is in sight. Wow, this year flew by!

Here are some recent promotions at Seabrook Martial Arts Academy:

Jeremy-lee J: Advanced White
Matteo D: Yellow
Harrison F: Blue
Mackenzie F: Blue
Justin F: Jr. Black Belt
Brennan W: 1st Degree Black Belt

Amazing job everyone!