Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 2013 Belt Promotions

Congratulations to the following students of Seabrook Martial Arts Academy who were promoted in the month of February:

Talan P: Advanced White
Cameron R: Advanced Yellow
Evan M: Advanced Yellow

Keep up the great work!

Ryan Welsh Wins at Ontario Provincial Open

Congratulations goes out to Ryan Welsh who won 1st place in Black Belt Weapons at the Ontario Provincial Open in Hamilton, Ontario, February 23rd. This annual tournament brings out some of the best tournament competitors around, so this is a huge victory for Ryan! Keep up the great work Ryan!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

6th Annual Boot Camp 2013

For those who are interested, Dynamic Academy of Martial Arts is hosting its 6th Annual Boot Camp April 12-14th in Sarnia, Ontario. Over the course of three days, there will be 15 hours of adult seminar instruction, not including a 3-hour children's camp on Saturday morning. Seminar topics include sparring, knife disarms, forms, self-defense techniques, flow drills, stick work, and many others. Register today!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Results from NMAC Tournament

Today, three students from Seabrook Martial Arts Academy competed at the National Martial Arts Circuit (NMAC) tournament in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All three students were very successful.

Ryan Welsh won 1st place in Black Belt weapons, 2nd place in Black Belt team forms, and 3rd place in Black Belt fighting.

Dana Broadhead won 1st place in Black Belt fighting and 4th place in Black Belt forms.

Jennifer Brock won 1st place in Kyu Belt forms, and also went on to win the Grand Championship in 15-adult forms.

Congratulations to all of you!