Last weekend, Sean Kelley conducted three Kenpo Karate seminars in London, Ontario. In the first seminar, Mr. Kelley taught the self-defense techniques “Obstructing the Storm” and “Capturing the Storm” and broke each of these club self-defenses down with a lot of detail. He also taught various lock and flow drills, as well as some give-and-take drills utilizing Wing Chun Kung Fu. In the second seminar, Mr. Kelley spent 2 hours on the self-defense technique “Glancing Lance” and showed how the common way this technique is taught is flawed and dangerous. Instead, Mr. Kelley provided a more realistic way of making Glancing Lance work. Finally, in the third seminar, Mr. Kelley taught on kickboxing. Students had the opportunity to work various punch, kick, punch-kick, kick-punch, and footwork maneuvers on partners. A special thanks also goes out to Steve Beecroft for allowing me to conduct the seminars at his school. Below are a couple of photos from the event: