Testimonial written by Senior Prof. Sean Kelley
As President of the Chinese Karate Federation I have had the pleasure to meet many great people in the martial arts as I have become an International instructor teaching seminars and giving lectures to thousands of martial artists from as young as 4 up to the age of pure wisdom.
I have received testimonials from such legends as Kickboxing Champions Bill 'Superfoot' Wallace and Joe Lewis honoring my position in the martial arts world. I was on cloud nine when noticed by these awesome men for my passion to share what has become my career. I will never forget Joe Lewis's words: 'Sean, you're a true leader and a great teacher.'
I was even more honored to have been part of the last generation to work with SGM Ed Parker and the youngest to be featured in the book The Journey written by Joe Hyams and Tom Bleecker.
This is a testimony for Jamie Seabrook, a man I first met at Las Vegas seminar where I began a long time friendship with him. He is a man of honor, dignity, and above all one who leads by example to his students.
Having Jamie Seabrook as a member of the Chinese Karate Federation and as our Canadian Representative proves he's a man of true pride and can bring professionalism to his community. What makes him unique is that he is still in search of the science of Kenpo to offer the advanced stages of Kenpo to his loyal Black Belts who are now ready to go from the academic stage to the combative stage as we have united our efforts under the 'Alliance' of such Kenpo Legends as GM Dave Hebler, Master Rainer Schulte, and Senior Teaching Black Belt GM Michael Robert Pick.
We welcome Professor Seabrook and all his students into the family of the CKF and look forward to many years of friendship. Our Federation is proud to have those involved with us who take care of business by lending a hand to those who seek guidance as a code of being a true Black Belt with strong ethics and morals.
Sean P.Kelley
CKF President
7th Degree Black Belt
Seabrook Martial Arts Academy has been serving London, Ontario, since August 1995. All classes are taught by 7th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt, Jamie Seabrook. Unlike many schools that will promote young children to black belt, here at Seabrook Martial Arts Academy you will earn your rank through years of commitment. Our focus is street self-defense, not sport.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sean Kelley & Jamie Seabrook Seminars
Hi Everyone,
My new instructor, Senior Professor Sean Kelley, President of the Chinese Karate Federation (CKF) and 7th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt, and myself are teaming up teaching seminars in Bradford, Pennsylvania on December 5-6th at Mr. Mike Miller's Kenpo Karate Dojo.
The cost is only $50 for students that do not attend my or Mr. Miller's dojo!! Cost of the kids seminar is just $30!
Here is the agenda of the seminars:
Friday, December 5, 2008:
6:00-7:30pm Mr. Kelley (Kenpo Basics)
Saturday, December 6, 2008:
10:00-11:00am Mr. Kelley Child Class (Say No to Bullies)
11:30am-12:30pm (Lunch break)
1:30-3:00pm Mr. Seabrook (Sparring Strategies)
3:30-5:00pm Mr. Kelley (Trouble Techniques)
5:30-6:30pm Mr. Seabrook (Sparring Drills)
If anyone is interested in coming, you can send a check or money order to Mike Miller at:
443 East Main Street
Bradford, Pa 16701
Only cash will be accepted at the door.
Hope to see you there!
My new instructor, Senior Professor Sean Kelley, President of the Chinese Karate Federation (CKF) and 7th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt, and myself are teaming up teaching seminars in Bradford, Pennsylvania on December 5-6th at Mr. Mike Miller's Kenpo Karate Dojo.
The cost is only $50 for students that do not attend my or Mr. Miller's dojo!! Cost of the kids seminar is just $30!
Here is the agenda of the seminars:
Friday, December 5, 2008:
6:00-7:30pm Mr. Kelley (Kenpo Basics)
Saturday, December 6, 2008:
10:00-11:00am Mr. Kelley Child Class (Say No to Bullies)
11:30am-12:30pm (Lunch break)
1:30-3:00pm Mr. Seabrook (Sparring Strategies)
3:30-5:00pm Mr. Kelley (Trouble Techniques)
5:30-6:30pm Mr. Seabrook (Sparring Drills)
If anyone is interested in coming, you can send a check or money order to Mike Miller at:
443 East Main Street
Bradford, Pa 16701
Only cash will be accepted at the door.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Have you "fireproofed" your marriage?
Have you "fireproofed" your marriage?
Last weekend my beautiful wife Chantel and I drove about 90 minutes across the border from Canada to the United States to watch a Christian movie about marriage called Fireproof. The movie was not being played anywhere in Ontario. Briefly, the plot is about a firefighter who's motto at work is "never leave your partner behind", although that was precisely what he was planning to do with his wife and marriage. Make no mistake about it, whether your marriage is "rock solid", or seems as cold as a terrible winter storm, this is a must see movie. Moreover, one of the most amazing things about the movie was that it was actually made on a budget of just $500,000 and that the cast are all volunteers, including Kirk Cameron, whom many of who will remember from 'Growing Pains'. I know, I know, low budget movies, no thanks. Hold your horses. While the movie was played on just 839 screens two weeks ago, it was strong enough to hit number 4 at the box office, and stayed in the top 10 at the box office last weekend.
All marriages need to grow. Marriage is an opportunity to learn love and is a call to servanthood and friendship. Marriage is a way of life, not an event. How important is your spouse in your life? Does it show in your everyday actions? Do you choose to travel regularly to business or work-related events, while constantly leaving your spouse (and often kids) behind? You're spouse needs you. It's time to fire up the romance, not as an event, but all the time.
Chantel and I have been married over 7 years now, and I can happily tell the world that once Jesus Christ became the CENTER of our home and marriage, wow, has our marriage exploded. Our marriage is absolutely awesome, and has been getting stronger year by year, month by month, week by week, and day by day. But, trials will come, and some of them will come hard. So we, as do every other married couple, need to fireproof our marriage. But how? By trying harder? No, that won't work as eventually circumstances will get the better of us, and we will be worn out and battle torn. By Jesus Christ.
For those of you who are in very shaky marriages, perhaps you have even discussed divorce, don't give up. But, you ask, "how can I love someone who treats me horribly and doesn't love me in return? I deserve better than that, as nobody deserves to be treated that way".
That's not how Jesus replied. He did not give up. Look at what He said to God The Father about those who were crucifying Him, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)
God comes first, and your spouse comes second, and work comes later down the list.....
Bless you marriage by going to see this movie.
For more information, please see:
God Bless Everyone.
Last weekend my beautiful wife Chantel and I drove about 90 minutes across the border from Canada to the United States to watch a Christian movie about marriage called Fireproof. The movie was not being played anywhere in Ontario. Briefly, the plot is about a firefighter who's motto at work is "never leave your partner behind", although that was precisely what he was planning to do with his wife and marriage. Make no mistake about it, whether your marriage is "rock solid", or seems as cold as a terrible winter storm, this is a must see movie. Moreover, one of the most amazing things about the movie was that it was actually made on a budget of just $500,000 and that the cast are all volunteers, including Kirk Cameron, whom many of who will remember from 'Growing Pains'. I know, I know, low budget movies, no thanks. Hold your horses. While the movie was played on just 839 screens two weeks ago, it was strong enough to hit number 4 at the box office, and stayed in the top 10 at the box office last weekend.
All marriages need to grow. Marriage is an opportunity to learn love and is a call to servanthood and friendship. Marriage is a way of life, not an event. How important is your spouse in your life? Does it show in your everyday actions? Do you choose to travel regularly to business or work-related events, while constantly leaving your spouse (and often kids) behind? You're spouse needs you. It's time to fire up the romance, not as an event, but all the time.
Chantel and I have been married over 7 years now, and I can happily tell the world that once Jesus Christ became the CENTER of our home and marriage, wow, has our marriage exploded. Our marriage is absolutely awesome, and has been getting stronger year by year, month by month, week by week, and day by day. But, trials will come, and some of them will come hard. So we, as do every other married couple, need to fireproof our marriage. But how? By trying harder? No, that won't work as eventually circumstances will get the better of us, and we will be worn out and battle torn. By Jesus Christ.
For those of you who are in very shaky marriages, perhaps you have even discussed divorce, don't give up. But, you ask, "how can I love someone who treats me horribly and doesn't love me in return? I deserve better than that, as nobody deserves to be treated that way".
That's not how Jesus replied. He did not give up. Look at what He said to God The Father about those who were crucifying Him, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)
God comes first, and your spouse comes second, and work comes later down the list.....
Bless you marriage by going to see this movie.
For more information, please see:
God Bless Everyone.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Dana Broadhead Wins at Ontario Grand Nationals
Yesterday, one of my adult students competed at the Ontario Grand Nationals open martial arts tournament held in London, Ontario, Canada. Dana Broadhead, an Advanced Orange Belt in American Kenpo Karate, who has been training at my school for precisely one year now, won 1st place in sparring, and 3rd place in forms, the latter of which she performed Long Form 1. The Ontario Grand Nationals is also a AAA rated tournament, so the competition level is very high. Her sparring title comes with a lot of hard work, as Dana has continuously fought against my school's tough and experienced sparring partners in continuous fighting, many of which are lot taller and bigger than her.
On behalf of Jamie Seabrook's Kenpo Karate, a proud member of the Chinese Karate Federation, we are all very proud of you Dana!
Thank you for setting such a great example for the children and adults alike at our school.
On behalf of Jamie Seabrook's Kenpo Karate, a proud member of the Chinese Karate Federation, we are all very proud of you Dana!
Thank you for setting such a great example for the children and adults alike at our school.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Royce Gracie Jiu Jitsu Seminar

Royce Gracie Jiu Jitsu Seminar
Yesterday, myself and six of my students had the opportunity of training with Royce Gracie for 3 hours at a seminar he conducted in London, Ontario. Royce began by teaching a self defence technique against a two-armed choke, where we step in with our dominant right side and catch the opponent with a right upward elbow, and then proceed to wrap our right arm around the opponent's neck, and then finish with throwing our opponent over our hip. We then learned how to get inside on a right hand punch, and proceed again with another hip throw. We also worked on the clinch and how to get your opponent off balance to take the him to the ground. Should we be on our back with our opponent on top of us, Royce showed how to best apply the triangle choke, how to get the shoulder kimora lock in, and how to flip our opponent off of us while we stay on top of them, all from the guard position, respectively.
All I can say is what a trained technician in the art of Jiu-Jitsu. For me, I get more out of someone like Royce Gracie then just someone who is big and strong, that likes to fight, that has way less skill, but can knock people out. Royce is a fighting legend, and his skill ranks up there with the very best in the world of martial arts. This guy has fought just about everyone under the sun, and time and time again Gracie Jiu Jitsu has prevailed.
I highly recommend taking a seminar with Royce if you get the chance and to see how the movements fit into American Kenpo Karate. Like Kenpo, not all Jiu-Jitsu is necessarily "created equal" and the Gracie's are truly in a league of their own.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Jamie Seabrook’s Kenpo Karate School Joins the Kenpo Karate “Alliance”
Jamie Seabrook’s Kenpo Karate School Joins the Kenpo Karate “Alliance”
It is with great honor and excitement to tell the world that myself, and my Kenpo Karate School in London, Ontario, Canada, are now a chartered school of the Chinese Karate Federation (CKF), headed by Senior Professor, 7th Degree Black Belt Sean Kelley. The CKF is part of a Kenpo Alliance, with ties directly to such greats as Grandmaster Michael Robert Pick and Grandmaster Dave Hebler (both 10th Degree Black Belts in American Kenpo Karate), Tony Cogliandro (9th Degree Kenpo Karate Black Belt), Rainer Schulte (8th Degree Kenpo Karate Black Belt), and kickboxing legends Bill "Superfoot" Wallace and Joe Lewis.
The decision to join the Alliance is for the betterment of myself and my students. I am confident that this brotherhood of dedicated Kenpoists, who commit themselves to hard work, training, and ethics, will push Kenpo Karate forward. My students will also have the opportunity to become personal members of the CKF. Benefits of membership include top level Kenpo Karate training, cross training in other disciplines, networking, belt certification, and retail discounts.
Kenpo Salute,
Jamie Seabrook
It is with great honor and excitement to tell the world that myself, and my Kenpo Karate School in London, Ontario, Canada, are now a chartered school of the Chinese Karate Federation (CKF), headed by Senior Professor, 7th Degree Black Belt Sean Kelley. The CKF is part of a Kenpo Alliance, with ties directly to such greats as Grandmaster Michael Robert Pick and Grandmaster Dave Hebler (both 10th Degree Black Belts in American Kenpo Karate), Tony Cogliandro (9th Degree Kenpo Karate Black Belt), Rainer Schulte (8th Degree Kenpo Karate Black Belt), and kickboxing legends Bill "Superfoot" Wallace and Joe Lewis.
The decision to join the Alliance is for the betterment of myself and my students. I am confident that this brotherhood of dedicated Kenpoists, who commit themselves to hard work, training, and ethics, will push Kenpo Karate forward. My students will also have the opportunity to become personal members of the CKF. Benefits of membership include top level Kenpo Karate training, cross training in other disciplines, networking, belt certification, and retail discounts.
Kenpo Salute,
Jamie Seabrook
Friday, September 12, 2008
Two Man Set
Two Man Set
On Friday, October 24th, 2008, from 6:00-8:30 pm, I will be conducting a seminar at the Berkshire Club in London, Ontario teaching Kenpo Karate's Two Man Set. This set will improve your coordination, timing, agility, fluidity, and footwork. It will also provide you with a vast array of striking techniques, both with the closed fist, and the open hand, and will show how to take advantage of target availability when using these weapons. The set is done with a partner, and therefore, will require consistent contact and partner work. No experience with this set is necessary for participation.
The cost of the seminar is $25 by October 17th, as there will be no registration after that date or at the door.
For more information, or to register, please email me at:
Jamie Seabrook
On Friday, October 24th, 2008, from 6:00-8:30 pm, I will be conducting a seminar at the Berkshire Club in London, Ontario teaching Kenpo Karate's Two Man Set. This set will improve your coordination, timing, agility, fluidity, and footwork. It will also provide you with a vast array of striking techniques, both with the closed fist, and the open hand, and will show how to take advantage of target availability when using these weapons. The set is done with a partner, and therefore, will require consistent contact and partner work. No experience with this set is necessary for participation.
The cost of the seminar is $25 by October 17th, as there will be no registration after that date or at the door.
For more information, or to register, please email me at:
Jamie Seabrook
Friday, September 5, 2008
Kenpo Continuum
Kenpo Continuum
I wanted to take the time to endorse the book "Kenpo Continuum: The Continuing Historical Studies of the Kenpo Community in America and Throughout the World". I am honored to be one of many Kenpo Karate black belts featured in that book, and Amy Long should be proud of her dedication and perseverance in putting this book together. The book contains biographies of such Kenpo Karate notables as Jason Arnold, Steve Arsenault, Ron Chapel, Brian Duffy, Tony Dunne, Rich Hale, Gil Hibben, Ingmar Johansson, Walter Justice, Tom Kelly, Patrick Kennedy, Mike Lambert, Kevin Mills, Joe Palanzo, Ted Sumner, and many others. In addition, Ed Parker Jr. wrote the "Forward" and did the art work, which looks simply awesome. The book has also received endorsements from such Kenpo greats as Lee Wedlake, Dennis Conatser, Stephen Labounty, and Bob White.
The book is essentially a follow-up to "The Journey", and includes black belts from many different lineages. To order the book, you can visit Amy Long’s website at:
I wanted to take the time to endorse the book "Kenpo Continuum: The Continuing Historical Studies of the Kenpo Community in America and Throughout the World". I am honored to be one of many Kenpo Karate black belts featured in that book, and Amy Long should be proud of her dedication and perseverance in putting this book together. The book contains biographies of such Kenpo Karate notables as Jason Arnold, Steve Arsenault, Ron Chapel, Brian Duffy, Tony Dunne, Rich Hale, Gil Hibben, Ingmar Johansson, Walter Justice, Tom Kelly, Patrick Kennedy, Mike Lambert, Kevin Mills, Joe Palanzo, Ted Sumner, and many others. In addition, Ed Parker Jr. wrote the "Forward" and did the art work, which looks simply awesome. The book has also received endorsements from such Kenpo greats as Lee Wedlake, Dennis Conatser, Stephen Labounty, and Bob White.
The book is essentially a follow-up to "The Journey", and includes black belts from many different lineages. To order the book, you can visit Amy Long’s website at:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Summary of Black Belt Testing
On August 15, 2008, I conducted a large black belt grading for several of my long-time students. Rick Robson and Kurtis Cote were promoted to 1st Degree Black Belt (Junior Instructor), and Brent Fowler, John McDonald, Evan Wiley, Jesse Toth, Craig Cote, and Janel Cote were promoted to 2nd Degree Black Belt (Assistant Instructor). Rick Robson and Kurtis Cote became my 19th and 20th black belts I have promoted since opening my Kenpo Karate school in 1995. The test was 2 ½ hours in duration and consisted of forms, sets, self-defense techniques, and continuous sparring. Myself, and two of my other 2nd Degree black belts, Matt Trejo and Scott Southwell, sat on the testing panel.
Each of the candidates made very unique contributions to the testing. Brent Fowler and Evan Wiley’s self-defense techniques and sparring matches still have people talking. Rick Robson and Janel Cote’s improvement and tenacity in only one year’s time was evident. Rick Robson is truly a force to reckon with in sparring. Janel and her brother Craig performed a virtually flawless Coordination Set 2, not to mention Janel’s amazing Long Form 2. Craig Cote also demonstrated how deadly Kenpo Karate kicks can be during fighting. Kurtis Cote’s power almost made the whole building shake, and his sparring ability was noted many times by others. John McDonald helped set the standard for how Kenpo forms and sets should look with his impressive basics, fluidity, balance, speed, and power. John’s techniques were also close to flawless. Jesse Toth’s determination and focus during the test was just unbelievable. Particularly noteworthy were Jesse’s strong sets, forms, and sparring fights.
For more information about our school, please visit:
Each of the candidates made very unique contributions to the testing. Brent Fowler and Evan Wiley’s self-defense techniques and sparring matches still have people talking. Rick Robson and Janel Cote’s improvement and tenacity in only one year’s time was evident. Rick Robson is truly a force to reckon with in sparring. Janel and her brother Craig performed a virtually flawless Coordination Set 2, not to mention Janel’s amazing Long Form 2. Craig Cote also demonstrated how deadly Kenpo Karate kicks can be during fighting. Kurtis Cote’s power almost made the whole building shake, and his sparring ability was noted many times by others. John McDonald helped set the standard for how Kenpo forms and sets should look with his impressive basics, fluidity, balance, speed, and power. John’s techniques were also close to flawless. Jesse Toth’s determination and focus during the test was just unbelievable. Particularly noteworthy were Jesse’s strong sets, forms, and sparring fights.
For more information about our school, please visit:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Memory Lane
While I don’t recall the dates of most of my black belt tests throughout the years, I do remember the date of my 1st degree black belt test in Kenpo Karate. It was on this day, August 11th, of 1990 (18 years ago). The test consisted of forms, techniques, sparring, and weaponry. I tested with three other candidates, one of which owns his own school in London, Ontario as well.
The test was between 2-3 hours long, and I am fortunate to have the test on videotape. I was 15 at the time, almost 16. I was pretty happy with my performance that day, as I had trained very hard for it.
I remember going home that night feeling like a "million bucks". I went for a walk that night by myself throughout the subdivision where I grew up in London Canada feeling like my journey was just beginning, as I knew that Kenpo would be with me for life.
Having spent what will be 24 years in Kenpo Karate come this January 2009, the journey just gets better. I have been blessed with such dedicated and loyal students, many of whom have been with me for years. I have also had the privilege of being my daughter’s instructor (Morgan) for more than 2 ½ years. Most recently, Madison (my youngest daughter) has joined in on the action. While I will never force my daughters into remaining in Kenpo, I do hope that they may develop the passion that I have for Kenpo Karate, so that one day they too will be able to look back on the day when they obtained their black belt.
The test was between 2-3 hours long, and I am fortunate to have the test on videotape. I was 15 at the time, almost 16. I was pretty happy with my performance that day, as I had trained very hard for it.
I remember going home that night feeling like a "million bucks". I went for a walk that night by myself throughout the subdivision where I grew up in London Canada feeling like my journey was just beginning, as I knew that Kenpo would be with me for life.
Having spent what will be 24 years in Kenpo Karate come this January 2009, the journey just gets better. I have been blessed with such dedicated and loyal students, many of whom have been with me for years. I have also had the privilege of being my daughter’s instructor (Morgan) for more than 2 ½ years. Most recently, Madison (my youngest daughter) has joined in on the action. While I will never force my daughters into remaining in Kenpo, I do hope that they may develop the passion that I have for Kenpo Karate, so that one day they too will be able to look back on the day when they obtained their black belt.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Silvio Scarcella Tournament Results
Silvio Scarcella Tournament Results
I have another outstanding report to give regarding Silvio Scarcella. On July 26th, Silvio competed at the NBL Empire Open in Syracuse, New York and won the Kempo/Kenpo Division. Silvio then went on to the Grand Finals and won the Grands performing Long Form 6. I taught Silvio Long Form 6 two years ago and he has been competing with the Form ever since. What a great representation of American Kenpo!
Overall, Silvio ended up taking 4 first place trophies, 2 second place trophies, and 1 third place trophy.
Way to go Silvio!
I have another outstanding report to give regarding Silvio Scarcella. On July 26th, Silvio competed at the NBL Empire Open in Syracuse, New York and won the Kempo/Kenpo Division. Silvio then went on to the Grand Finals and won the Grands performing Long Form 6. I taught Silvio Long Form 6 two years ago and he has been competing with the Form ever since. What a great representation of American Kenpo!
Overall, Silvio ended up taking 4 first place trophies, 2 second place trophies, and 1 third place trophy.
Way to go Silvio!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Training Solo Outdoors is a Blessing
Today I was on a mission. I was set to go through, perhaps the for the first time in my Kenpo life, the entire Kenpo Karate system from White through 5th Degree Black Belt, full-out, in one long training session. I gave it my all. It was 27 Celsius (about 80 Farenheight) so the weather was picture perfect.
I didn’t get through everything, as I need to conserve some energy for my Kenpo Karate classes I will be teaching tonight. As it turned out, I got through the following:
Blocking Set 1 & 2, Kicking Set 1 & 2, Finger Set 1 & 2, Coordination Set 1 & 2, Stance Set 1 & 2, Striking Set 1 & 2, Short Form 1, Short Form 2, Short Form 3, Long Form 1, Long Form 2, the 10 Yellow Belt techniques, the 24 Orange Belt techniques including the extensions, the 24 Purple Belt techniques including the extensions, and the 24 Blue Belt techniques including the extensions.
I was really determined to do it all in one day. But now, before the clock strikes midnight, I still have the following remaining: Long Forms 3-8, the Two Man Set, the 24 Green techniques including the extensions, the 24 3rd Brown techniques and the 24 2nd Brown techniques. In all honesty, I doubt I will be able to get through it all. Nonetheless, it was a great workout, and I feel awesome.
In my opinion, there is nothing like training solo in the outdoors. It gives you a chance to escape from the pressures and stress of everyday life, and to channel your energy and direction towards exercising with a purpose. Being able to do all of this is such a privilege that I do not want to take for granted. I am so blessed to be able to walk, breath, see, and train as I do. All of my God-given talent in Kenpo I give back to the Glory of the one true God, manifested in Three Persons of the Divine Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Father for this tremendous blessing and ministry in my life. Without You, I can do nothing. But with You, all things are possible, because I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength. Thank you for your precious Holy Spirit who ministers to me day and night, even when I am not listening. Amen.
I didn’t get through everything, as I need to conserve some energy for my Kenpo Karate classes I will be teaching tonight. As it turned out, I got through the following:
Blocking Set 1 & 2, Kicking Set 1 & 2, Finger Set 1 & 2, Coordination Set 1 & 2, Stance Set 1 & 2, Striking Set 1 & 2, Short Form 1, Short Form 2, Short Form 3, Long Form 1, Long Form 2, the 10 Yellow Belt techniques, the 24 Orange Belt techniques including the extensions, the 24 Purple Belt techniques including the extensions, and the 24 Blue Belt techniques including the extensions.
I was really determined to do it all in one day. But now, before the clock strikes midnight, I still have the following remaining: Long Forms 3-8, the Two Man Set, the 24 Green techniques including the extensions, the 24 3rd Brown techniques and the 24 2nd Brown techniques. In all honesty, I doubt I will be able to get through it all. Nonetheless, it was a great workout, and I feel awesome.
In my opinion, there is nothing like training solo in the outdoors. It gives you a chance to escape from the pressures and stress of everyday life, and to channel your energy and direction towards exercising with a purpose. Being able to do all of this is such a privilege that I do not want to take for granted. I am so blessed to be able to walk, breath, see, and train as I do. All of my God-given talent in Kenpo I give back to the Glory of the one true God, manifested in Three Persons of the Divine Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Father for this tremendous blessing and ministry in my life. Without You, I can do nothing. But with You, all things are possible, because I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength. Thank you for your precious Holy Spirit who ministers to me day and night, even when I am not listening. Amen.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Jamie Seabrook Club Defence Seminar
Jamie Seabrook Club Defence Seminar
Scott Southwell's Kenpo Karate School will be having Jamie Seabrook conduct a seminar on Sept 5th 2008 from 6:30-8:30pm at Riverside United Church in London Ont.
Topic: "The How's and Why's of Club Defence"
Seminar cost is only $20, please bring your own club.
For more information or to pre-register call Scott Southwell at 519-641-4872 or email scottsouthwell6@hotmail.com
Scott Southwell's Kenpo Karate School will be having Jamie Seabrook conduct a seminar on Sept 5th 2008 from 6:30-8:30pm at Riverside United Church in London Ont.
Topic: "The How's and Why's of Club Defence"
Seminar cost is only $20, please bring your own club.
For more information or to pre-register call Scott Southwell at 519-641-4872 or email scottsouthwell6@hotmail.com
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Royce Gracie Seminar - London, Ontario
Hi Friends,
A long time friend of mine, Simon Sherbourne, will be bringing the legend, Royce Gracie, to London, Ontario for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Seminar on September 27th from 1-4pm at Fanshawe College. Royce Gracie was the tournament winner of UFC 1, UFC 2, and UFC 4. This will be a no uniform (ghi) event, so please wear your shorts and t-shirt only. I will be attending the seminar, as will several of my students from Jamie Seabrook’s Kenpo Karate.
The Fight Network will be at the seminar as well to take some video clips for news purposes, and will be conducting an interview with Royce Gracie for their program called "One on One" which features top fighters from around the world.
Pre-registration for this awesome event is $125 (money order only) by August 30th, or $150 at the door. Please note, however, that there are limited spots available for participants so do register early!
For more information, please go to:
A long time friend of mine, Simon Sherbourne, will be bringing the legend, Royce Gracie, to London, Ontario for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Seminar on September 27th from 1-4pm at Fanshawe College. Royce Gracie was the tournament winner of UFC 1, UFC 2, and UFC 4. This will be a no uniform (ghi) event, so please wear your shorts and t-shirt only. I will be attending the seminar, as will several of my students from Jamie Seabrook’s Kenpo Karate.
The Fight Network will be at the seminar as well to take some video clips for news purposes, and will be conducting an interview with Royce Gracie for their program called "One on One" which features top fighters from around the world.
Pre-registration for this awesome event is $125 (money order only) by August 30th, or $150 at the door. Please note, however, that there are limited spots available for participants so do register early!
For more information, please go to:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Logging Your Training Routine
On several occasions, you may have read or heard about the importance that I give to logging your training routine. Doing so will not only motivate you to train frequently, but will also ensure that you are balancing out your training material with respect to the forms, sets, and self-defense techniques that you know. I also recommend that you keep track of how many days per month you are devoting to sparring, and perhaps how many of those days were against opponents that bring out the best in you.
Recently one of my Yellow Belts, Alan Russette, created a "training tracker" in Excel format. This spreadsheet provides a day to day and month to month log of all of the Kenpo Karate material required for promotion from White belt through Black belt. Each time you practice a given form, set, and/or technique you simply record the number of times that you did it, and on what day. The excel spreadsheet will then give you a total for the month, as well as an average.
If you would like to have a copy of the Excel spreadsheet, you can email him at:
Recently one of my Yellow Belts, Alan Russette, created a "training tracker" in Excel format. This spreadsheet provides a day to day and month to month log of all of the Kenpo Karate material required for promotion from White belt through Black belt. Each time you practice a given form, set, and/or technique you simply record the number of times that you did it, and on what day. The excel spreadsheet will then give you a total for the month, as well as an average.
If you would like to have a copy of the Excel spreadsheet, you can email him at:
Friday, July 4, 2008
Silvio Scarcella Tournament Results
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to take the time to congratulate one of my long distance students, Silvio Scarcella, for his unbelievable success at the NBL tournament in Chicago this past weekend (which is why he wasn't at the Kenpo Karate Boot Camp in Sarnia, Ontario).
Silvio won 1st place in six events (including Kempo/Kenpo and soft divisions). He also won two 2nds, and one 3rd. In the grand finals, Silvio performed Long Form 6 and lost by a show of hands (3 to 2), after an initial tie.
Way to go Silvio!
Jamie Seabrook
I wanted to take the time to congratulate one of my long distance students, Silvio Scarcella, for his unbelievable success at the NBL tournament in Chicago this past weekend (which is why he wasn't at the Kenpo Karate Boot Camp in Sarnia, Ontario).
Silvio won 1st place in six events (including Kempo/Kenpo and soft divisions). He also won two 2nds, and one 3rd. In the grand finals, Silvio performed Long Form 6 and lost by a show of hands (3 to 2), after an initial tie.
Way to go Silvio!
Jamie Seabrook
Monday, June 30, 2008
Summary of Dynamic Kenpo Karate Boot Camp
A big thank you goes out to Associate Professor, Rob Broad, for putting on an awesome Kenpo Karate camp in Sarnia, Ontario this past weekend. The students received 15 hours of instruction over the course of 3 days, and the training was intense. If you did not make it out, you won’t want to miss this one next year. Jason Arnold, Pat Robinson, Rob Broad, and Scott Southwell did a great job with their teaching. Pretty much everything was covered – sets, techniques, groundwork, sparring, weaponry, you name it.
On the Saturday, I taught 3 seminars, all approximately one hour in length. The first one was a sparring session. In this seminar I worked on sparring combinations for both continuous and point sparring, as well as how to create openings against your opponent. I also gave several strategies of how to fight against aggressive fighters, counter-fighters, as well as runners. In my second seminar, I taught the students Stance Set 2, most of which it was their first time learning it. By the end of the summer, everyone got up and performed it!
In the last seminar, something extraordinary happened. Jason Arnold (5th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt) and I did a joint tag-team seminar. Jason and I have known each other for almost 20 years now. The two of us taught at a local camp together back in 1999, have been at a few seminars together over the years, and trained at the same Kenpo school briefly back in 1991. We have actually had differences over the years, although mutual admiration for one another’s dedication to the martial arts.
This past weekend everything changed. Jason and I became friends, let go of all past differences, and together put on a joint seminar which I hear some students are still talking about. Essentially, I taught the base technique (ideal phase) of various self-defense scenarios, while Jason showed how they parallel other self-defense techniques in the system, as well as some nice insertions. First, I started by teaching Evading the Storm, and Jason then showed how this technique is basically the same as Attacking Mace. The students learned how, given a change in the nature of the attack, Attacking Mace could also be applied for an overhead club attack. Second, I taught the technique Defying the Storm. After learning the technique with detail, Jason taught how you can disarm the club should the opponent block the inward elbow strike to the head, and then continue on as normal with the ending of Defying the Storm. Finally, I finished by teaching the Back Breaker, and Jason followed by showing its similarity to Brushing the Storm and even how the Back Breaker could be performed off of an overhead club attack coming from 3 o’clock as in Brushing the Storm.
To top of the day, Rob’s mother made enough food to feed about two dozen hungry lions, which each participant received as part of their Kenpo camp package.
Dynamic Kenpo Karate Boot Camp = Success. Can’t wait for next year.
On the Saturday, I taught 3 seminars, all approximately one hour in length. The first one was a sparring session. In this seminar I worked on sparring combinations for both continuous and point sparring, as well as how to create openings against your opponent. I also gave several strategies of how to fight against aggressive fighters, counter-fighters, as well as runners. In my second seminar, I taught the students Stance Set 2, most of which it was their first time learning it. By the end of the summer, everyone got up and performed it!
In the last seminar, something extraordinary happened. Jason Arnold (5th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt) and I did a joint tag-team seminar. Jason and I have known each other for almost 20 years now. The two of us taught at a local camp together back in 1999, have been at a few seminars together over the years, and trained at the same Kenpo school briefly back in 1991. We have actually had differences over the years, although mutual admiration for one another’s dedication to the martial arts.
This past weekend everything changed. Jason and I became friends, let go of all past differences, and together put on a joint seminar which I hear some students are still talking about. Essentially, I taught the base technique (ideal phase) of various self-defense scenarios, while Jason showed how they parallel other self-defense techniques in the system, as well as some nice insertions. First, I started by teaching Evading the Storm, and Jason then showed how this technique is basically the same as Attacking Mace. The students learned how, given a change in the nature of the attack, Attacking Mace could also be applied for an overhead club attack. Second, I taught the technique Defying the Storm. After learning the technique with detail, Jason taught how you can disarm the club should the opponent block the inward elbow strike to the head, and then continue on as normal with the ending of Defying the Storm. Finally, I finished by teaching the Back Breaker, and Jason followed by showing its similarity to Brushing the Storm and even how the Back Breaker could be performed off of an overhead club attack coming from 3 o’clock as in Brushing the Storm.
To top of the day, Rob’s mother made enough food to feed about two dozen hungry lions, which each participant received as part of their Kenpo camp package.
Dynamic Kenpo Karate Boot Camp = Success. Can’t wait for next year.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Short Form 2
Short Form 2 teaches the three power principles – torque, marriage of gravity, and back-up mass. Unlike Short Form 1 and Long Form 1, we now begin advancing towards our opponent while blocking and countering with a strike. The first move (on both sides) involving the inward block and handsword is the start of Five Swords, as well as Delayed Sword without the kick. It is also the first form employing a block and immediate strike with the same hand. By doing so, Kenpoists learn the principle, "Block with cock to get travel for your knife hand."
Short Form 2 also gives students their first introduction to 45-degree angles and the "V" step. One application of the "cup and saucer" move as you pull back to the cat stance is that an opponent has you in a rear bear hug with your arms free. Your response is to step behind the opponent’s leg, thus off balancing the attacker and taking him off the line similar to the technique "Crashing Wings." It also teaches students the full range of motion prior to the simultaneous block and punch. There are a few reasons why a neutral (and not a forward) bow is employed when doing the simultaneous block and punch towards 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock: (i) it shows how to use back-up mass to get power (ii) it gives a foundation for more advanced self-defense techniques (e.g., "Shield and Mace") (iii) it shows how you don’t have to pivot to a forward bow to get power (thus differentiating between what was shown in Long Form 1, or such techniques as "Crashing Wings" and "Crushing Hammer"). The technique "Thrusting Salute" is also contained in the form in the downward block and heel palm sequence (with the exception of the kick). In the last move of the form, where we employ an extended outward block followed by a horizontal snapping half-fist strike to the throat area, I see a lot of people do this movement while staying in a neutral bow. The problem with this is that your half-fist has very little reach, not to mention that your strike will lack power because if you have not incorporated hip rotation into the strike. Hence, I highly recommend moving from a neutral bow as you do the extended outward block, to a forward bow as you execute the half-fist strike, and then back to the neutral bow as you draw the half-fist back. Short Form 2 is required for promotion to purple belt.
Reference: Seabrook J. American Kenpo Mastery: A Guide for Students and Instructors. Lincoln: iUniverse Inc, 2006
Short Form 2 also gives students their first introduction to 45-degree angles and the "V" step. One application of the "cup and saucer" move as you pull back to the cat stance is that an opponent has you in a rear bear hug with your arms free. Your response is to step behind the opponent’s leg, thus off balancing the attacker and taking him off the line similar to the technique "Crashing Wings." It also teaches students the full range of motion prior to the simultaneous block and punch. There are a few reasons why a neutral (and not a forward) bow is employed when doing the simultaneous block and punch towards 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock: (i) it shows how to use back-up mass to get power (ii) it gives a foundation for more advanced self-defense techniques (e.g., "Shield and Mace") (iii) it shows how you don’t have to pivot to a forward bow to get power (thus differentiating between what was shown in Long Form 1, or such techniques as "Crashing Wings" and "Crushing Hammer"). The technique "Thrusting Salute" is also contained in the form in the downward block and heel palm sequence (with the exception of the kick). In the last move of the form, where we employ an extended outward block followed by a horizontal snapping half-fist strike to the throat area, I see a lot of people do this movement while staying in a neutral bow. The problem with this is that your half-fist has very little reach, not to mention that your strike will lack power because if you have not incorporated hip rotation into the strike. Hence, I highly recommend moving from a neutral bow as you do the extended outward block, to a forward bow as you execute the half-fist strike, and then back to the neutral bow as you draw the half-fist back. Short Form 2 is required for promotion to purple belt.
Reference: Seabrook J. American Kenpo Mastery: A Guide for Students and Instructors. Lincoln: iUniverse Inc, 2006
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Dynamic Kenpo Karate Boot Camp
June 27-29th
199 Queen Street
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Jamie Seabrook, 6th Degree Black Belt
Jason Arnold, 5th Degree Black Belt
Rob Broad, 5th Degree Black Belt
Pat Robinson, 3rd Degree Black Belt
Scott Southwell, 2nd Degree Black Belt
Cost is $165 in Canadian funds.
Your Teen/Adult Camp fee includes a meal Saturday night.
Guests and children attending the camp are $10.00 for the banquet.
Instructors and school owners, bring 5 teen/adults to the camp and you get the for free!!
To register, please contact Rob Broad at: rob@dynamickenpo.ca or by phone at:
June 27-29th
199 Queen Street
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Jamie Seabrook, 6th Degree Black Belt
Jason Arnold, 5th Degree Black Belt
Rob Broad, 5th Degree Black Belt
Pat Robinson, 3rd Degree Black Belt
Scott Southwell, 2nd Degree Black Belt
Cost is $165 in Canadian funds.
Your Teen/Adult Camp fee includes a meal Saturday night.
Guests and children attending the camp are $10.00 for the banquet.
Instructors and school owners, bring 5 teen/adults to the camp and you get the for free!!
To register, please contact Rob Broad at: rob@dynamickenpo.ca or by phone at:
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Hi Friends, I just wanted to take the time to invite all of you to an awesome Kenpo Karate Camp being held in North Wales, Pennsylvania, April 11-13th, 2008. The camp price is only $125 if you pre-register by March 5th or $139 after that date!!!
Tony Cogliandro, Rainer Schulte, Sean Kelley, Jamie Seabrook, Vincent Anfuso, Lee Epperson, and Mark Schiffman.
Host: Michael C. Corsello 2nd Dan/PA State Rep. for The Chinese Karate Federation
Location: Corsello’s Kenpo Karate
1200 Welsh Road
North Wales, PA
19454 (215)
412-5579 or corsmike15@yahoo.com
Friday: Jamie Seabrook/ Kids class $15.00 (CKF members $10.00) 5pm
Vincent Anfuso Intro to 12 points. Special class price $30.00 (CKF members $20.00)
7pm – 9pm
Saturday: 8:30 am Check in.
9:30 am Lee Epperson Kenpo / Jiu-Jitsu
11:00 am Sean Kelley Links and Parallels part 1.
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Mark Schiffman Techniques to takedowns and throws
3:00 pm Jamie Seabrook sparring to win class (bring your own equipment)
9:00 am Rainer Schulte Power vs. Speed
10:30 a.m. Sean Kelley Links and Parallels
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Vincent Anfuso Kenpo 12 points part 2.
3:00 Tony Cogliandro Simplifying Kenpo
Tony Cogliandro, Rainer Schulte, Sean Kelley, Jamie Seabrook, Vincent Anfuso, Lee Epperson, and Mark Schiffman.
Host: Michael C. Corsello 2nd Dan/PA State Rep. for The Chinese Karate Federation
Location: Corsello’s Kenpo Karate
1200 Welsh Road
North Wales, PA
19454 (215)
412-5579 or corsmike15@yahoo.com
Friday: Jamie Seabrook/ Kids class $15.00 (CKF members $10.00) 5pm
Vincent Anfuso Intro to 12 points. Special class price $30.00 (CKF members $20.00)
7pm – 9pm
Saturday: 8:30 am Check in.
9:30 am Lee Epperson Kenpo / Jiu-Jitsu
11:00 am Sean Kelley Links and Parallels part 1.
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Mark Schiffman Techniques to takedowns and throws
3:00 pm Jamie Seabrook sparring to win class (bring your own equipment)
9:00 am Rainer Schulte Power vs. Speed
10:30 a.m. Sean Kelley Links and Parallels
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Vincent Anfuso Kenpo 12 points part 2.
3:00 Tony Cogliandro Simplifying Kenpo
Friday, February 1, 2008
Roundhouse Kicks to the Back of the Opponent’s Knee
Roundhouse Kicks to the Back of the Opponent’s Knee
In a real confrontation, a roundhouse kick to the back of the opponent’s knee can be devastating. One of the most important aspects of this kick is the incorporation of our entire body into the kick so that the focus in on driving that kick right through the back of the attacker’s knee. Also, our weapon for the kick need not be the instep of the foot only, but rather the instep of the foot right up the shin bone. This works contrary to much of what we see in Kenpo with the focus being on snapping the roundhouse kick out and back from the target, chambering the leg prior both prior to, as well as after the execution of the kick, and with emphasis placed on kicking specifically with the instep.
Since most people are right-handed, and for the most part, tend to fight with their left side forward, let’s assume that we are in a left neutral bow stance facing our opponent, who in turn also has his left leg forward. We first step into the action by dropping our height slightly, then by utilizing torque, we pivot our hips and shoulders into the roundhouse kick to the back of the opponent’s lead leg to generate maximum power. Also, similar to Reversing Mace and Repeating Mace (although in these techniques our right side is forward when executing the kicks), we should be kicking downward to drop the opponent.
As simple as this sounds, try the dynamics of this kick out slowly with a partner, but have a knack for detail, ensuring that your body mechanics are "sound". Once you are satisfied with your movement, execute the kicks full-out on a kicking shield.
In a real confrontation, a roundhouse kick to the back of the opponent’s knee can be devastating. One of the most important aspects of this kick is the incorporation of our entire body into the kick so that the focus in on driving that kick right through the back of the attacker’s knee. Also, our weapon for the kick need not be the instep of the foot only, but rather the instep of the foot right up the shin bone. This works contrary to much of what we see in Kenpo with the focus being on snapping the roundhouse kick out and back from the target, chambering the leg prior both prior to, as well as after the execution of the kick, and with emphasis placed on kicking specifically with the instep.
Since most people are right-handed, and for the most part, tend to fight with their left side forward, let’s assume that we are in a left neutral bow stance facing our opponent, who in turn also has his left leg forward. We first step into the action by dropping our height slightly, then by utilizing torque, we pivot our hips and shoulders into the roundhouse kick to the back of the opponent’s lead leg to generate maximum power. Also, similar to Reversing Mace and Repeating Mace (although in these techniques our right side is forward when executing the kicks), we should be kicking downward to drop the opponent.
As simple as this sounds, try the dynamics of this kick out slowly with a partner, but have a knack for detail, ensuring that your body mechanics are "sound". Once you are satisfied with your movement, execute the kicks full-out on a kicking shield.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Kenpo Karate Seminar Invitation
Hi Friends,
As the cost of bringing in some Kenpoists can be very expensive, and in some cases, not very realistic, throughout 2008 I would like to give more people the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skill in the system.
To do this, I will offer one kids seminar, one adult beginner-intermediate seminar, and one instructor seminar for no cost. The only thing I ask is that hotel and transportation for two be provided. My common seminar topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Analytic Breakdown of Base Techniques
- Kenpo Extensions- Sets (1 & 2)
- Long Form 5, 6, 7, or 8
- Kenpo or traditional weaponry
- Sparring Strategies for Continuous and/or Point
For more information, please visit my website at:
or send me an email at:
God's Blessings for the New Year!
As the cost of bringing in some Kenpoists can be very expensive, and in some cases, not very realistic, throughout 2008 I would like to give more people the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skill in the system.
To do this, I will offer one kids seminar, one adult beginner-intermediate seminar, and one instructor seminar for no cost. The only thing I ask is that hotel and transportation for two be provided. My common seminar topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Analytic Breakdown of Base Techniques
- Kenpo Extensions- Sets (1 & 2)
- Long Form 5, 6, 7, or 8
- Kenpo or traditional weaponry
- Sparring Strategies for Continuous and/or Point
For more information, please visit my website at:
or send me an email at:
God's Blessings for the New Year!
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