Yesterday, one of my adult students competed at the Ontario Grand Nationals open martial arts tournament held in London, Ontario, Canada. Dana Broadhead, an Advanced Orange Belt in American Kenpo Karate, who has been training at my school for precisely one year now, won 1st place in sparring, and 3rd place in forms, the latter of which she performed Long Form 1. The Ontario Grand Nationals is also a AAA rated tournament, so the competition level is very high. Her sparring title comes with a lot of hard work, as Dana has continuously fought against my school's tough and experienced sparring partners in continuous fighting, many of which are lot taller and bigger than her.
On behalf of Jamie Seabrook's Kenpo Karate, a proud member of the Chinese Karate Federation, we are all very proud of you Dana!
Thank you for setting such a great example for the children and adults alike at our school.