Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Logging Your Training Routine

On several occasions, you may have read or heard about the importance that I give to logging your training routine. Doing so will not only motivate you to train frequently, but will also ensure that you are balancing out your training material with respect to the forms, sets, and self-defense techniques that you know. I also recommend that you keep track of how many days per month you are devoting to sparring, and perhaps how many of those days were against opponents that bring out the best in you.

Recently one of my Yellow Belts, Alan Russette, created a "training tracker" in Excel format. This spreadsheet provides a day to day and month to month log of all of the Kenpo Karate material required for promotion from White belt through Black belt. Each time you practice a given form, set, and/or technique you simply record the number of times that you did it, and on what day. The excel spreadsheet will then give you a total for the month, as well as an average.
If you would like to have a copy of the Excel spreadsheet, you can email him at: