Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Memory Lane

While I don’t recall the dates of most of my black belt tests throughout the years, I do remember the date of my 1st degree black belt test in Kenpo Karate. It was on this day, August 11th, of 1990 (18 years ago). The test consisted of forms, techniques, sparring, and weaponry. I tested with three other candidates, one of which owns his own school in London, Ontario as well.

The test was between 2-3 hours long, and I am fortunate to have the test on videotape. I was 15 at the time, almost 16. I was pretty happy with my performance that day, as I had trained very hard for it.

I remember going home that night feeling like a "million bucks". I went for a walk that night by myself throughout the subdivision where I grew up in London Canada feeling like my journey was just beginning, as I knew that Kenpo would be with me for life.

Having spent what will be 24 years in Kenpo Karate come this January 2009, the journey just gets better. I have been blessed with such dedicated and loyal students, many of whom have been with me for years. I have also had the privilege of being my daughter’s instructor (Morgan) for more than 2 ½ years. Most recently, Madison (my youngest daughter) has joined in on the action. While I will never force my daughters into remaining in Kenpo, I do hope that they may develop the passion that I have for Kenpo Karate, so that one day they too will be able to look back on the day when they obtained their black belt.