Hi Friends,
As the cost of bringing in some Kenpoists can be very expensive, and in some cases, not very realistic, throughout 2008 I would like to give more people the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skill in the system.
To do this, I will offer one kids seminar, one adult beginner-intermediate seminar, and one instructor seminar for no cost. The only thing I ask is that hotel and transportation for two be provided. My common seminar topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Analytic Breakdown of Base Techniques
- Kenpo Extensions- Sets (1 & 2)
- Long Form 5, 6, 7, or 8
- Kenpo or traditional weaponry
- Sparring Strategies for Continuous and/or Point
For more information, please visit my website at:
or send me an email at:
God's Blessings for the New Year!