Thursday, August 2, 2007

ECKS London, Ontario, Canada Kenpo Karate Training Camp!!!!!

This is a quick reminder that the ECKS training camp will be held in London, Ontario, Canada from August 17-19th at Paul Dawdy’s Olympic Karate, 425 First Street. The ECKS camp is open to Kenpoists from ALL backgrounds and lineages. Seminar instructors include Steve Arsenault (8th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt), Jamie Seabrook (6th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt), Jason Arnold (5th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt), Paul Dawdy (5th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt), and Pat Robinson (4th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt). Topics include Orange, Purple, Blue, and Green belt technique extensions, position recognition and family groupings, mental attributes, environment and target availability, Kenpo forms and sets, and Modern Arnis applications.

Below is the agenda for the Kenpo Karate camp:

August 17
7:00pm Environment of Kenpo-Seabrook
8:00pm Kenpo Advanced Extensions 2nd Black-Arsenault
9:00pm Kenpo Requests-Arsenault

August 18
2:00pm Arnis Applications-Dawdy
3:00pm Kenpo Advanced Extensions 3rd Black-Arsenault
4:00pm Position Recognition/Groupings-Arnold
5:00pm Mental Attributes and Set-Robinson
6:00pm Kenpo Forms Requests-Arsenault

August 19
9:00am Kids Seminar!
10:00am Kenpo Advanced Extensions 4th Black-Arsenault
11:00am Kenpo Sets and Forms Requests-Arsenault

Kids Seminar $20
Teen Camp $99
Adult Camp $150
After August 1st Please Add $20
Family Discount 25% OFF each additional family member!

To register, call Steve Arsenault at: 1-508-998-3937

Hotel Information:
Delta London Armouries
325 Dundas St
London, Ontario

Airport Inn & Suites
2230 Dundas St
London, Ontario