3rd Degree Brown Belt Technique
Blinding Sacrifice works as a defense for an attempted two-hand front choke. It is related to Parting Wings and Thrusting Wedge, all three of which are contained in Long Form 3.
As the attempted choke comes at us, we immediately step in with our right foot to 12 o’clock while thrusting our forearms forward as we wedge the inside of our opponent’s arms. As we do this, our fingers attack the opponent’s eyes. We then continue the circle of our arms and clear the opponent’s arms out of the way, while delivering a double underhand groin shot with our claw hands. In anticipation of the opponent’s head coming forward as we grab and pull the groin, we should have our head in position to deliver the head but.
The next part of the technique is the “sacrifice”, the term used in Kenpo techniques when we have to break a rule. As we draw our arms behind the opponent’s back, our arms are lower and underneath of the opponent’s, thus breaking the rule of keeping our arms above our opponent’s. We do this, however, to execute double back fist strikes to our opponent’s kidneys (making sure to use back-up mass when doing so), as we pull back to the cat stance with two vertical outward blocks, which in this case are really checks. We then step back in and deliver a four-finger slice to the opponent’s eyes, finishing with two thumb strikes. As the opponent’s arms come up from the eyes strikes, we then frictionally pull the opponent’s arms down to cancel his height zone (putting weight on the opponent’s feet), and immediately circle our arms back up for two inverted roundhouse punches to the opponent’s temples. We then collapse our two forearms so as to attack the jaw on both sides of the opponent’s face (some versions teach this move as a brace with the left hand, while letting the right forearm go for the jaw break). We finish the technique by grabbing the top of the opponent’s head with both hands and delivering a right knee strike to the opponent’s face, while landing with a right foot stop to the opponent’s right instep and foot. Note that it is possible to execute the knee to the face with the rear (left) leg, however, it is done with the front knee for category completion purposes.