Hi Everyone,
On September 25th & 26th, the 7th Annual Can-Am Kenpo Karate Camp is being held in London, Ontario at 931 Leathorne Street Unit D. This event will include a 2-day martial arts camp featuring several guest instructors, most notably 10th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt, Grandmaster Larry Tatum. The training camp will run from 5-9 pm on September 25th, and from 8 am until 4 pm on September 26th.
The camp fee is $125 if paid before August 1st and $135 after August 1st.
Mailed Cheques can be made out to:
Scott Southwell
220 Widder St
Goderich, Ontario, Canada N7A-3V4
OR Email transfer money to hagane@sympatico.ca
Seminar schedule
5:00-6:00- Bryan Zarnett
6:00-7:00- David Pantano
7:00-9:00- Master Tatum
8:00-9:00-Jamie Seabrook
9:00-10:00-Mike Leclair
10:00-11:00-Steve Arsenault
11:00-12:00-Maqtewe'k Matto'law Collins
1:00-2:00-Scott Southwell
2:00-4:00- Larry Tatum
4:00-6:00 Black Belt Testing