Friday, June 27, 2014

Can-Am Kenpo Camp, August 8-10th, London, Ontario

Hi Everyone,

From August 8-10th, Grandmaster Larry Tatum (10th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt) will be returning to London, Ontario teaching martial arts seminars at the Courtyard By Marriott, 864 Exeter Rd. Other seminar instructors Professor Jamie Seabrook, Master Tony Mayo, Kyoshi Mike Leclair, Sifu Michael Shaw, and Sensei Scott Southwell.

The cost for 9 hours of seminars is $125 if paid before July 30th.

The seminar schedule is as follows:

Friday August 8th

5-6 pm Sifu Michael Shaw
6-7 pm Kyoshi Mike Leclair
7-9 pm Grandmaster Larry Tatum

Saturday August 9th

8-9 am Master Tony Mayo
9-10 am Professor Jamie Seabrook
10-11 am Sensei Scott Southwell
11 am - 1 pm Grandmaster Larry Tatum

Self-Defense Tournament

August 9th at 2 pm. Cost is $35 for tournament only, or $150 for camp and tournament combined.


Private lessons with Grandmaster Larry Tatum are $100 U.S. per hour.

All cheques can be made payable to: Scott Southwell