Sunday, September 16, 2012

Results from the 2012 Ontario Grand Nationals

Congratulations to all five of my new students who competed in the Ontario Grand Nationals in London, Ontario, yesterday. This tournament is an elite AAA rated event with some of the best competitors around.

I would like to highlight two of my advanced students who did exceptionally well:

Ryan Welsh won 1st place in Black Belt Weapons and 2nd place in Black Belt Fighting, and then went on to win the overall Grand Championships as well! Ryan is one of the top competitors around and will be grading for his 2nd Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo on November 2nd.

In addition to Ryan's accomplishments, Dana Broadhead won 1st place in 18+ Advanced Fighting, 2nd place in 30-39 Women's Forms, 2nd place in Women's Weapons, 3rd place in 18+ Advanced Forms, and 3rd Place in 30-39 Advanced Women's Fighting. Dana is a two-time WKC World Champion, and will be testing for her 1st Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo on November 2nd.

Another great day of success!