This past weekend, myself and a few of my students were in Bradford, Pennsylvania, training at a Chinese Karate Federation (CKF) event hosted by Associate Professor, Michael Miller. The event included 5 hours of seminars taught by CKF President, Sean Kelley. Mr. Kelley taught for 2 hours on Long Form 3, and then did a 3 hour seminar covering the following techniques: Leap from Danger, Broken Gift, Twirling Sacrifice, Kneel of Compulsion, and Intercepting the Ram. The training was intense and everyone improved their knowledge of Kenpo, both in terms of the academic stage of Kenpo, as well as the combative side.
I highly encourage all of you to to attend the next CKF training camp being held at Michael Miller's Dojo in Bradford, Pennsylvania, September 7-9th, which will include seminars by CKF Vice-President Rainer Schulte, CKF President Sean Kelley, Senior Professor Rich Hale, and Associate Professor Mike Friedman. The event is open to students of all belt ranks.