Friday, January 27, 2012

Royce Gracie Seminar, London, Ontario

Hi Everyone,

On May 5th, 2012, my good friend Simon Sherbourne is bringing UFC legend Royce Gracie to London, Ontario, at Wilfrid Jury Public School to conduct a seminar from 12-3 pm. I have had the opportunity of working with Royce before, and all I can say is that you are in for some of the best training in your life.

If you are interested in participating in this seminar, a money order in the amount of $165 Canadian can be made out to: Arts of Budo Inc.

The mailing address for the money order is:

M. L. Sherbourne C/O Arts of Budo Inc.
48 Northcrest Dr.
London, ON.
N5X 3V8

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Simon Sherbourne at: