Seabrook Martial Arts Academy has been serving London, Ontario, since August 1995. All classes are taught by 7th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt, Jamie Seabrook. Unlike many schools that will promote young children to black belt, here at Seabrook Martial Arts Academy you will earn your rank through years of commitment. Our focus is street self-defense, not sport.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Jamie Seabrook Modern Arnis Seminars
Hi Everyone,
For those who are interested, I will be conducting two Modern Arnis seminars on Friday, October 21st at Family Karate Centres at 405 - 3 Wharncliffe Road in London, Ontario. The kids seminar will run from 6-7 pm and the topic will be striking and defending with a single stick. The adult seminar will run from 7:15-8:45 pm and will consist of locking and flow drills, and angles of attack.
The cost of the kids seminar is $25 if you already have a stick, or $35 which will include a foam stick with your registration. The adult seminar fee is $40, which includes the cost of a wooden stick.
For more information on registration, please call 519-432-5425.