Sunday, May 29, 2011

Madison Seabrook Tournament Competition

Today my youngest daughter, Madison (age 6), competed in her first ever martial arts tournament. The Crispin Shiai was held in Georgetown, Ontario, and Madison had approximately 10-20 competitors in each of her divisions. Madison won 1st place in the self-defense technique division, and performed the American Kenpo techniques 'Delayed Sword," 'Five Swords,' and 'Obscure Wing' on me. Wow, does she hit hard!

Madison also won 3rd place in sparring, by winning 2 out of 3 of her fights, and landed some really hard roundhouse kicks and punches to the body. Madison also won
5th place in her forms and weapons divisions. I was really proud of her, and it was great to see so much of her hard work come out in the demonstration of her skills. I have attached a picture of her with all of her trophies.