Hi Everyone,
I wanted to let all of you know about an exciting martial arts boot camp being held in Sarnia, Ontario the weekend of March 18-20th. The training camp will be held at the Dynamic Academy of Martial Arts, 1886 London Line. This boot camp will consist of 15 hours of training over the course of three days, and if you pre-register by March 1st, the cost is only $125 ($140 after that date). I have been asked to be one of the camp’s instructors, along with several other American Kenpo Karate experts. The seminar topics for the camp are very diverse, giving each participant the exposure to many different facets of training. The seminar topics (and instructors) are as follows:
A. JEFF DUKES (9th Degree Shinja Ryu; 8th Degree American Kenpo)
(1) Transitional Stance Changing and the Universal Kenpo Patch
(2) Understanding Linear and Circular Motion
(3) Reality Street Self Defense: What Works and What Doesn't?
B. JAMIE SEABROOK (6th Degree American Kenpo Black Belt)
(1) Kickboxing (bring boxing gloves/hand gear & t-shirt)
(2) Family Related Self-Defense Techniques
(3) Short Form 3: Opposites, Reverses, and Mirror Mechanics
C. JASON ARNOLD (5th Degree American Kenpo Black Belt)
(1) Lock flows, Sensitivity and Energy Drills
(2) Kenpo from the Ground Perspective
(3) Kenpo Knife Work
D. Rob Broad (5th Degree American Kenpo Black Belt)
(1) Belt Defenses
(2) Short Stick Techniques
To register, please call 519-344-3221 or email: info@dynamickenpo.ca