Yesterday myself, John McDonald, Matt Trejo, and Chris Newsome attended the Chinese Karate Federation (CKF) event held at Michael Miller's Dojo in Bradford, Pennsylvania. The training included two seminars taught by Mr. Sean Kelley, 7th Degree American Kenpo Black Belt and President of the CKF. Mr. Kelley taught the technique, "The Pincher" (or what some teach today as "the Grasp of Death"), as well as "Thrusting Lance" for his first seminar on trouble techniques. His method of teaching "Thrusting Lance" was much more practical in my opinion than the "old school" version commonly taught in the Kenpo system, the latter of which you are to shuffle in to grab the opponent's groin, thereby losing control of the knife. In his second seminar, Mr. Kelley taught kickboxing drills on "live bodies" utilizing various hand techniques, kicking techniques, and foot maneuvers. We then finished the day with some great sparring with Michael Miller and several of his advanced students.
Also yesterday, Dana Broadhead, an American Kenpo Green Belt student of mine, made the Canadian Team by winning 2nd place at the World Kickboxing Council (WKC) Canadian Qualifiers in Ottawa, Ontario in 18+ Chinese Forms (performing Long Form 3). The WKC World Championships are being held in Portugal in November of this year. Way to go Dana!!