Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to take the time to thank my good friend Mike Miller for hosting such an amazing Kenpo Karate event in Bradford, Pennsylvania this past weekend. Myself, Matt Trejo, and Chris talked about the event for the 4.5 hour ride home back to Canada yesterday! I have attached a picture for your viewing.
It was great to finally meet and train with David Stanley. The very large line drill working such techniques as Delayed Sword, Sword of Destruction, Five Swords (extension), Snapping Twig (extension), and Leaping Crane (extension) was so much fun, as was David's teaching on Shield & Mace. David is such a great man, and it was awesome hanging out with him as well. Sean Kelley put on probably two of my favorite seminars....EVER! His seminars incoporated links and parallels to SO MANY self-defense techniques, and we are still talking about his NASTY and "SICK" ending to Crossing Talon!! (gonna work it in my next teaching class, LOL). Working Entiwned Lance was awesome as well, and its great Mr. Kelley was working a fake knife on that last drill with Matt Trejo!!!
It was also great to see some of my long-time friends, such as Kevin Kuliga and Bill Larson. Those guys are just awesome to train and hang out with, and thanks Bill for your cool patch!
The CKF isn't just alive and well, it's growing and getting better and better!
Jamie Seabrook
Chinese Karate Federation