Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sean Kelley & Jamie Seabrook Seminars

Hi Everyone,

My new instructor, Senior Professor Sean Kelley, President of the Chinese Karate Federation (CKF) and 7th Degree American Kenpo Karate Black Belt, and myself are teaming up teaching seminars in Bradford, Pennsylvania on December 5-6th at Mr. Mike Miller's Kenpo Karate Dojo.

The cost is only $50 for students that do not attend my or Mr. Miller's dojo!! Cost of the kids seminar is just $30!

Here is the agenda of the seminars:

Friday, December 5, 2008:

6:00-7:30pm Mr. Kelley (Kenpo Basics)

Saturday, December 6, 2008:

10:00-11:00am Mr. Kelley Child Class (Say No to Bullies)

11:30am-12:30pm (Lunch break)

1:30-3:00pm Mr. Seabrook (Sparring Strategies)

3:30-5:00pm Mr. Kelley (Trouble Techniques)

5:30-6:30pm Mr. Seabrook (Sparring Drills)

If anyone is interested in coming, you can send a check or money order to Mike Miller at:

443 East Main Street
Bradford, Pa 16701

Only cash will be accepted at the door.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Have you "fireproofed" your marriage?

Have you "fireproofed" your marriage?

Last weekend my beautiful wife Chantel and I drove about 90 minutes across the border from Canada to the United States to watch a Christian movie about marriage called Fireproof. The movie was not being played anywhere in Ontario. Briefly, the plot is about a firefighter who's motto at work is "never leave your partner behind", although that was precisely what he was planning to do with his wife and marriage. Make no mistake about it, whether your marriage is "rock solid", or seems as cold as a terrible winter storm, this is a must see movie. Moreover, one of the most amazing things about the movie was that it was actually made on a budget of just $500,000 and that the cast are all volunteers, including Kirk Cameron, whom many of who will remember from 'Growing Pains'. I know, I know, low budget movies, no thanks. Hold your horses. While the movie was played on just 839 screens two weeks ago, it was strong enough to hit number 4 at the box office, and stayed in the top 10 at the box office last weekend.

All marriages need to grow. Marriage is an opportunity to learn love and is a call to servanthood and friendship. Marriage is a way of life, not an event. How important is your spouse in your life? Does it show in your everyday actions? Do you choose to travel regularly to business or work-related events, while constantly leaving your spouse (and often kids) behind? You're spouse needs you. It's time to fire up the romance, not as an event, but all the time.

Chantel and I have been married over 7 years now, and I can happily tell the world that once Jesus Christ became the CENTER of our home and marriage, wow, has our marriage exploded. Our marriage is absolutely awesome, and has been getting stronger year by year, month by month, week by week, and day by day. But, trials will come, and some of them will come hard. So we, as do every other married couple, need to fireproof our marriage. But how? By trying harder? No, that won't work as eventually circumstances will get the better of us, and we will be worn out and battle torn. By Jesus Christ.

For those of you who are in very shaky marriages, perhaps you have even discussed divorce, don't give up. But, you ask, "how can I love someone who treats me horribly and doesn't love me in return? I deserve better than that, as nobody deserves to be treated that way".

That's not how Jesus replied. He did not give up. Look at what He said to God The Father about those who were crucifying Him, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

God comes first, and your spouse comes second, and work comes later down the list.....

Bless you marriage by going to see this movie.

For more information, please see:

God Bless Everyone.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dana Broadhead Wins at Ontario Grand Nationals

Yesterday, one of my adult students competed at the Ontario Grand Nationals open martial arts tournament held in London, Ontario, Canada. Dana Broadhead, an Advanced Orange Belt in American Kenpo Karate, who has been training at my school for precisely one year now, won 1st place in sparring, and 3rd place in forms, the latter of which she performed Long Form 1. The Ontario Grand Nationals is also a AAA rated tournament, so the competition level is very high. Her sparring title comes with a lot of hard work, as Dana has continuously fought against my school's tough and experienced sparring partners in continuous fighting, many of which are lot taller and bigger than her.

On behalf of Jamie Seabrook's Kenpo Karate, a proud member of the Chinese Karate Federation, we are all very proud of you Dana!

Thank you for setting such a great example for the children and adults alike at our school.