As most of us are aware, Kenpo Karate uses elbow strikes throughout the entire system. We even have an entire set dedicated to their use, in Striking Set 2. But how many of us, for example, have actually executed a solid inward elbow to something solid to get a more realistic sense of how it might feel, and to ensure that we are hitting with the correct part of the elbow?
To become more familiar and proficient with their use, I highly recommend working the various elbow strikes on focus pads and heavy bags to get used to making solid contact. Once we have become more confident in our ability to execute the various elbow strikes while maximizing our potential power, try striking something more solid that will not break, but be sure to put on elbow pads before doing so to prevent injury. Some dedicated martial artists, for instance, will try using elbow strikes on a motorcycle helmet that someone is wearing. This, of course, will give us a more realistic sense of what it would be like to execute an elbow to an opponent’s head.