Hi Everyone,
Paul Dawdy and myself will be hosting a Kenpo Karate Camp in London, Ontario, Canada, from August 17-19, 2007. As our special guest instructor, we will be bringing in 8th Degree Black Belt, and President of the East Coast Kenpo Systems (ECKS), Steve Arsenault, from New Bedford, MA, USA. Steve Arsenault has been in the martial arts for the past 36 years, and was former vice-president of the Worldwide Kenpo Karate Association (WKKA). Other camp instructors include Jason Arnold, Paul Dawdy, Pat Robinson, and myself.
Paul Dawdy's Kenpo Karate
425 First St, London, Ontario
Friday August 17th
7:00-8:00pm - Understanding the Nature of the Attack (Jamie Seabrook)
8:00-9:00pm - Kenpo 2nd Black Advanced Extensions (Steve Arsenault)
9:00pm - Kenpo Requests (Steve Arsenault)
Saturday August 18th
2:00-3:00pm - Modern Arnis Applications (Paul Dawdy)
3:00-4:00pm - Kenpo 3rd Black Advanced Extensions (Steve Arsenault)
4:00-5:00pm - Position Recognition/Family Groupings (Jason Arnold)
5:00-6:00pm - Mental Attributes (Pat Robinson)
6:00-7:00pm - Kenpo Forms Requests (Steve Arsenault)
Sunday August 19th
9:00-10:00am - KIDS SEMINAR
10:00-11:00am - Kenpo 4th Black Advanced Extensions (Steve Arsenault)
11:00-12:00 noon - Kenpo Sets and Forms Requests (Steve Arsenault)
Registration due August 1st
Kids Seminar $20
Teen Camp $99
Adult Camp $150
Family Discount of 25% off each additional family member
Make Checks to Steve Arsenault
Mail To: Kenpo Karate
3057 Acushnet Ave
New Bedford, MA