If you only study one style of the martial arts, you may over an extended period of time lose interest in performing the same katas over and over again. The reason is that people often become bored in life with the mundane, that is, the same routine over and over again. Like marriage, for example, katas need “romance” to keep things refreshed and alive! You don’t believe me? Then why is it that I am often very impressed with the skill level of someone performing a specific kata, and then five years down the road, the same person performing the kata doesn’t move with the same fluidity, balance, posture, or agility? Is it because the individual has practiced it less and less over the years? Perhaps. But maybe, just maybe, it is because the individual has less interest in the kata then he/she did when it was first learned.
Here are some refreshing ideas to keep the fire for kata burning:
(1) Go through your forms very slowly to accentuate the finer details before commencing the form at regular speed
(2) Visualize an attacker coming at you as you are performing the form. Do this when practicing the form slowly as well as at regular speed
(3) Be sure that your counterattack and offense during the forms was enough to stop the opponent from coming back for more. Do not be concerned about how fancy you look
(4) Practice your kata blindfolded or with your eyes closed
(5) Try to end the kata in the same position that you started the form
(6) Try choreographing your form to one of your favorite songs. I have always loved “The Power” by Snap!
(7) Practice outdoors in the spring, summer, and fall, and get a tan while you are at it!