The Basic Punch
Too many martial arts students are taught how to execute a specific strike, with little to no explanation on why it is done that way. The students learn the movement and because their sensei taught them how to deliver the strike, it must be correct. Let’s start simple: a basic punch.
Far too often I see people punching above shoulder height with a horizontal punch (the fist is turned palm down). The reality, however, is that the horizontal punch is anatomically weaker since the ulna and the radius bones of the forearm criss-cross each other, and the forearm muscles are not fully efficient since they are stretched too far. It is no wonder why so many “macho guys” break their wrists in bar fights or on the street!!
So what is the best way to execute a punch above shoulder height? The answer is to deliver a vertical punch, or a rotation just past this position. When doing so, the ulna and radius bones are nicely aligned, and the wrist is less likely to break. Try it and experiment!