Friday, April 25, 2014

Darren Wynes - 2nd Degree Black Belt Promotion

On Saturday, April 12th, I promoted Darren Wynes to 2nd Degree Black Belt (Assistant Instructor) in American Kenpo. Also joining me to sit on the testing panel were Evan Wiley (4th Degree Black Belt), Matt Trejo (4th Degree Black Belt), and John McDonald (3rd Degree Black Belt).

Darren began training with me as a 1st Degree Black Belt in November 2010. Darren is an incredible student and black belt, driving around 1.5 hours each way to come take private lessons with me. Darren's private lessons are at least 90 minutes at a time, and usually a full 2 hours. Moreover, he travels to London at least 2 times every month to take private lessons, averaging a good 3-4 hours of private lessons monthly.

For Darren's test, he had to perform all American Kenpo Forms required for promotion to 2nd Degree Black Belt. He also demonstrated many advanced American Kenpo self-defense techniques at street speed on a partner, and had to fight full-contact against every member of the testing panel.

If you are in the Kitchener, Ontario area, I strongly suggest seeking out private lesson instruction directly under Darren Wynes, as he is the top American Kenpo Karate instructor in that area.

Monday, April 7, 2014

March 2014 Belt Promotions

Congratulations to the following students on their recent belt promotions at Seabrook Martial Arts Academy:

Ben W: Yellow
Lucas C: Yellow
Noah C: Yellow
Noah B: Advanced Purple
Scott B: Advanced Purple

Great work all of you!